Sunday, October 27, 2013

Not your typical beer ad

Beer commercials in general are comedic and appeal to our more immature nature. Typically, these are targeting a younger audience or the younger man that hides inside our not-as-young-as-we-used-to-be body. 

This ad from Guinness appeals to our emotions and to a deep-seated desire that most people have to be a better person. Most of all, it appeals to everyone in their target. 

I liked how the ad try to show something different, trying to address the emotion of a purchase or choice. Emotions play a big role when we make consumer purchases. They don't show the usual part that beer drinking is about chasing girls and party. They are showing the consumer how beer is a different part of their lives. 

Their brand is that Guinness is “made of more.” Their message is that people who drink Guinness are made of more. For most people, being “more” is what they want to be. Because when it comes down to it, who doesn’t want to be like the group of able-bodied guys that drink Guinness after their basketball scrimmage in wheel chairs, so they can include their friend who is confined to the chair?  Subconsciously, people will choose the beer so they too can be made of more. 

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