Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Self and Body Image Distortions

Some people exaggerate between their self-esteem and their appearance in such a way that they sacrifice their health and distort their bodies to achieve what they consider is a desirable body image.

The media and advertising have a big role in sending messages to the society of the ideal of beauty for men and women. Women in particular tend more to pick up the messages from the media that their body reflects their self-worth.

The most common distorted body image is cause from eating disorders, which prevalent among young woman. Anorexia and bulimia are the two most common eating disorders.

Also like woman, media images and ads encourage men to attain a certain physique. That's the reason a lot of guys tend to use steroids. The media tries to set an image of men being physical strong. Recently, theres been several scandals in the athlete media of athletes using steroids. Certainly athletes are not immune to this pressure.

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